Our Music Centre
The Music Centre is the university’s extra and co-curricular music department offering music making opportunities for all students, staff and the local community.

The Music Centre is the University of Winchester’s extra and co-curricular Music Department. We run music ensembles that are open to anyone (student, staff, alumni and community members) to join. We support student-led music groups and we provide performance opportunities, access to tuition and rehearsal facilities.
To be kept up-to-date directly with information on how to get involved in all our activities, please fill out our Music Centre form.
Our choirs
King Alfred Singers
The King Alfred Singers is the University's founding choir which has been running since 1972. Staff led with student support, it performs throughout the year in a huge variety of venues including Winchester Cathedral, the University Chapel, local churches and more. The choir enjoys singing a wide range of predominantly classical music from all periods of musical history including new works.
The choir is open to all students, staff and members of the local community. You don't have to be able to read sheet music, but it does help although everything is taught during the rehearsals. It is divided into sopranos, altos, tenors and basses.
The choir rehearses on Monday evenings during university term time.
Our ShowChoir sings music from stage, screen, pop, gospel, folk and more! Staff-led with students in leadership training, this group is an all-access, come-and-sing choir where the joy of singing will be embodied in every note.
Open to all singers of any experience from new to expert. The choir has a strong lead group of those who love singing the main tune and then a range of harmony parts to suit everyone who like more of a challenge.
These take place on Wednesday afternoons during university term time.
Instrumental ensembles
Concert Band
Our concert band is open to all instrumentalists of all abilities and truly embodies Music Centre’s ethos of inclusivity. Staff led with student support, we play a huge range of music including classical, movie and contemporary-popular music. We perform regularly on campus.
All are welcome, whatever your instrument, strings, wind, brass or percussion. There are no grade requirements, beginners to grade 8 welcomed.
These take place on Wednesday afternoons during university term time.
Jazz Band
Playing traditional and modern jazz music, this group is fantastic for all lovers of jazz music and those who want to build their experience of improvisation. Staff led with student support, they are a socially active group who enjoy playing together at rehearsals and performances.
Open to trumpeters, saxophonists, clarinettists, trombonists, pianists, bassists, drummers, banjo players, guitarists and anyone else with jazz in their soul. Be ready to improvise and enjoy some fantastic jazz sounds.
These take place on Tuesday evenings during university term time.
Chapel Music Group
The Chapel Music Group provides music for the regular and special Chaplaincy services. Open to all music makers including singers, pianists, drummers, guitarists and more. This worship group style ensemble meet each week to prepare the hymns and other music for the services. All are welcome.
Student-led groups
Each academic year a range of student-led groups meet either regularly or for specific events. In the past this has included an acapella choir, a ukelele group, a string orchestra, a wind band, a brass band, a folk group, a barbershop choir and more! These change with the student body and may run for the whole year or just a few weeks.
To see our current list of groups, please contact us or see our social media channels. Proposals to run a group as part of the Music Centre can be made throughout the academic year by any current student. Please email for full details.
Music Excellence Awards
We offer two Music Excellence Awards to new students each year. Please see the bursaries page for full information.
Music Facilities
The Music Centre runs the Music Hub, a place where musicians can meet, rehearse and be together. We have a range of small and medium size practice rooms with pianos, a social space, storage lockers, teaching facilities, PC with music software and some instruments to borrow. These facilities are open to all students and staff and are located in the St Edburga Building Level 1.
Music tuition
A range of private music tutors teach on campus in the Music Hub with lessons available to students often at a discount. Please ask for details.
The Music Centre ensembles, small groups and soloists perform both on campus and in the local community. The highlight of each semester is our Showcase concerts that feature as many groups as possible.
In recent years we’ve put on concerts in Winchester Cathedral, the Theatre Royal, The Railway Inn, St Cross Church, local schools and many more.
Full details of our forthcoming performances can be found on our social media channels.
Contact us
Music Centre
University of Winchester
Winchester, SO22 4NR
Tel: +44(0) 01962 827466
Email: music.centre@winchester.ac.uk
www. facebook.com/WinchesterMusicCentre
Insta: @musiccentreuow